(Existing members should renew using the email sent on 2nd August.)

This screen is for applicants to be a New Member of Swindon u3a.

If you would like to join Swindon u3a, please complete the form below and submit it. You will receive an email with details of how to pay your annual subscription of £10.

Our Bank Details are Swindon u3a 40-52-40 00022105. Please note that if your payment is not received within 2 months then your application will lapse and you will need to reapply.

The group organisers of any group you join will be able to confirm if there is any termly payment needed for each group

Personal * Required Field

* Forename:
* Surname:
Known As:
* Preferred Phone:
Alternative Phone:


* Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:
* Town:
* Postcode (Caps):

Gift Aid

Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate, helping our funds go further.

I confirm that I am a UK taxpayer and that I pay at least as much tax on my income or capital gains as Swindon u3a will reclaim.

I understand that if I pay less income tax or capital gains tax than the amount of gift aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year, it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

I will advise Swindon u3a if I wish to cancel this declaration in the future, change my name or home address, or I no longer pay sufficient tax on my income or capital gains.

Notes: Your full home address is needed to identify you as a UK tax payer.  Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year.

If you pay income tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your gift aid donations on your tax return or ask HMRC to adjust your tax code.

I want to Gift Aid my donation of £10 and any donations I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years to the charity: Swindon u3a.  Please select 'yes' box below.

Gift Aid?:
Gift Aid Signature Date:
Open the calendar popup.


Swindon u3a requires you to provide your personal information so that you can be kept informed about events and activities that are offered as part of your membership, where we have your email address.  In collecting the information we will  a) store it securely, b) use it to communicate with you as a Swindon u3a member and c) send you general information about the Third Age Trust* and u3a regional bodies e.g. Thames Valley Network.

* The Third Age Trust are the National Office to which all u3as are affiliated.  Thames Valley Network is a regional grouping of local u3as.

Further information relating to this use is contained in the Swindon u3a Privacy Policy, which is available on our website.


Third Age Trust Magazines

If you would like to receive a copy of the Third Age Matters and Sources magazines your contact details will be forwarded to a 3rd party for the purpose of distribution. There is a separate annual payment of £3.80 per household for TAM.  In making this payment you consent to your contact details being forwarded to a 3rd party company for the purpose of distribution.

I consent that my contact details can be forwarded for the purpose of receiving Third Age Trust Magazines (please indicate below)

* Third Age Matters Mag:

Optional Information

Where did you hear of us?:
Family or Friend
Birth Decade?:
Rather not say


Would Volunteer?:

Privacy Statement


Swindon U3A treats your privacy rights seriously.  Click here to view the Privacy Statement

Terms & Conditions

All members must: -

  • Abide by the principles of the Swindon u3a movement
  • Always act in the best interest of the Swindon u3a and never do anything to bring Swindon u3a into disrepute
  • Abide by the terms and conditions of the constitution
  • Treat fellow members with respect and courtesy at all times
  • Comply with and support the decisions of the elected committee
  • Advise the committee of any change in your personal details

Submit Application

Please do NOT click the SUBMIT button more than once!